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The reason why『JingDeChuanDengLu(景德傳燈錄)』has come into the spotlight, in particular for the study on the history of Chinese language, is the linguistic status of Zen Dialogues(禪宗 語錄) in the same age. Zen Dialogues are most prevalent in the Tang(唐代) and Beisong(北宋) Dynasty, reflecting those ages’ spoken language enough to be considered the most significant subject for the study of the history of the Chinese language.The paper studies the role and meaning of ‘將 (jiang)’ in the sentences from ‘JingDeChuanDengLu’, one of the representa\-tive Zen Dialogues, by searching for the usage of ‘jiang’ used as different parts of speech and its transformation as a part of speech depending on its several meanings.The word ‘jiang,’ as used in the old literature, has several meanings and usages according to its parts of speech such as noun, adverb, verb, preposition, postposition, etc., among which it is most frequently used as a preposition and an ad\-verb. In this paper, the author analyses “jiang” in its different lexical roles in order to analyze its meaning.As a verb, ‘jiang’ means ‘possess’ or ‘bring or take’ so that the verb tends to be placed before mostly directional lo\-comotion verbs. Focused on this fact, the author makes the formula of ‘jiang+(Object)+Verb’ a base and in turn classi\-fies it into two formulas of ‘jiang+(Object)+來/去 (lai/qu)’ and ‘jiang+(Object)+verbs other than 來/去 (lai/qu)’. In ad\-dition, the case that the postpositions of ‘得 (de)’ and ‘取 (qu) is placed after ‘jiang’ is sorted into the type, ‘jiang+postpositio n+(Object)+Verb’.As a preposition, ‘jiang’ indicates a tool, means or method of action, or plays a role in leading a target of action in the inverted sentence, one of the special syntaxes of the Chinese language.As a postposition, ‘jiang’ is used according to the formula of ‘Verb+jiang+(Object)+來/去 (lai/qu)’ in which ‘來 (lai)’ and ‘去 (qu)‘ are used as a complement providing a direction to a verb placed in front of it.As an adverb, ‘jiang’ is used as a demonstrative adverb to indicate when a certain thing happens, which is sorted out into both categories related to the future tense and the present progressive form.When used as a noun, ‘jiang’ has clear meanings different from the cases in which it is used as other parts of speech. These noun-meanings include ‘army general’ and ‘time to come’.The author writes this paper concentrating on the phe\-nomenon of the usage of words written as different parts of speech in the Chinese language, and desires to prepare a basic framework for the understanding of those multi-used words and introduce the method to analyze Chinese sentences depending on the words used as several parts of speech while interpreting Chinese literature. The author believes that if one comes to grasp the exact meaning, function and sen\-tence structure of ‘jiang’ based on its use as different parts of speech appearing in JingDeChuanDengLu, he or she can pre\-pare for ground to examine many-sided dimensions of the role of the word ‘jiang’ used in modern Chinese literature as well as JingDeChuanDengLu, which is further useful for the proper interpretation of Chinese sentences.
『景德傳燈錄』이 漢語史 연구에 있어서 특별히 주목을 받는 까닭은 이 시기 禪宗 語錄의 언어학적 지위 때문이다. 선종 어록은 唐代와 北宋 때 가장 성행하였고, 그 당시의 입말[口語]을 충실히 반영하고 있어서 漢語 연구의 매우 중요한 대상으로 여겨지고 있다. 본고에서는 대표적인 선종 어록인 『景德傳燈錄』을 대상으로, 그 안에서 여러 품사로 쓰인 ‘將’의 용법 및 ‘將’의 의미를 통한 품사전환 과정을 살펴봄으로써 『景德傳燈錄』에서의 ‘將’의 역할과 의미를 고찰하였다. 『景德傳燈錄』에서 ‘將’은 품사별로 명사, 부사, 동사, 전치사, 조사 등 여러 가지 다양한 의미와 용법으로 쓰이며, 이중 전치사와 부사의 의미로 가장 활발하게 사용되고 있다. 여기에서는 이들 품사에 대해 각각의 기준을 마련하여 의미별 쓰임을 살펴보고 형식 유형을 나누어 분석하였다. 본 논문은 하나의 어휘가 다양한 품사로 사용되는 중국어의 다품사 현상에 착안하여 쓰였으며, 『景德傳燈錄』 ‘將’의 용법을 통해 중국어의 수많은 다품사 어휘에 대한 기초적인 인식을 마련하고, 문헌 해석 시 품사별 문장 분석 방법을 소개하고자 하였다. 『景德傳燈錄』에서의 ‘將’에 대한 품사별 의미와 기능, 문장 구조 형식 등을 정확하게 이해할 수 있다면, 이를 통해 『景德傳燈錄』 뿐만 아니라 근대한어 문헌에서의 ‘將’의 역할에 대해 다각적으로 살펴볼 수 있는 근거를 마련할 수 있을 것이고, 올바른 문장 해석에도 보탬이 될 거라 여겨진다.
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- Publisher :Korean Association of Buddhist Studies
- Publisher(Ko) :불교학연구회
- Journal Title :Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies
- Journal Title(Ko) :불교학연구
- Volume : 25
- No :0
- Pages :7 ~ 48