Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines
1. Publication Policies
(1) The author of each submission should be a current member of the KABS, whose membership fees are not in arrears through the year of publication. However, authors of articles in non-Korean languages are exempt from the annual membership fee. An article may be submitted for publication by a doctoral candidate of an accredited university or a holder of higher credentials.
(2) The contents of published articles shall be academic research in Buddhist studies or related disciplines.
(3) Decisions about publishing articles and the order of articles in a volume shall be made by the editorial board.
(4) According to Article 3, paragraph 3 of the Ethical Guidelines, multiple (duplicate) submission is prohibited. Any manuscript that was submitted for publication in another journal in the same peer review period, or has similar content with a partial change of the title, shall be rejected regardless of the review results, and the author shall be barred from submitting for two years.
(5) To ensure a fair peer review, the author of a submission may request a specific person to be recused from the review panel. Any such requests shall be made to the chairperson of the editorial board, specifying 1) the name of the person in question, 2) his or her affiliation, and 3) the reason for the recusal in writing. The chairperson of the editorial board may consider a request for recusal and reflect it in the selection of the review panel for up to one member of the panel.
(6) The length of English-language abstracts shall be limited to between 200 and 300 words on a single page. Non-compliance with the length restriction may result in refusal to consider a submission.
(7) The copyright of a published article in the Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies shall revert to the Korean Association of Buddhist Studies. However, the author may utilize the published article.
(8) Miscellaneous matters, unless otherwise specified, shall be determined by the decision of the editorial board.
2. Manuscript Submission Guidelines
The basic format of footnotes and references follows the author-year rule of the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition, 2017). The following rules are applied to other aspects of formatting.
1. Length of manuscripts
1) Manuscript written in English, including footnotes and references, should be 5,000 or more words in length, but should not exceed 10,000 words. The editorial board will decide whether to accept a manuscript exceeding 10,000 words.
2) The manuscript should be typed in Microsoft Word. A 12-point font size for the main text and a 10-point font size for indented quotations should be used, and the text should be 1.5-spaced (line height 150).
2. Manuscript preparation
The manuscript should follow the below rules.
*When submitting a manuscript:
Title - Table of Contents - English Abstract (Keywords) - Main Text – References - Korean Abstract (Keywords)
*When publication is confirmed:
Title - Author(s)’ name(s) (affiliation, title, email) - Table of Contents - English Abstract (Keywords) - Main Text – References - Korean Abstract (Keywords)
1) Title
(1) Above the title, write “Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies Vol. __ (Month, Year)”.
Example: Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies Vol. 67 (June, 2021)(2017, 3)
(2) When there are 2 or more authors, the names of co-authors are distinguished with “․”, and should be written in the order “the first author․the second author …” from left to right, reflecting the authors’ contributions to the research. The corresponding author should be indicated in parentheses.
2) Korean abstract and keywords
(1) The length of the Korean abstract should be 4-5 pages of 200-character squared manuscript paper.
(2) Seven keywords should be followed by a Korean abstract.
(3) If an author is not fluent in Korean, it is acceptable only to write an English abstract and keywords. The editorial board will provide a translation of the English abstract and keywords.
3) Main text
(1) The numbers of chapters, sections, subsections, and sub-subsections should be written in the order of I. → 1. → 1) → (1) → A.
(2) Book titles should be written with double corner brackets (『』) or double angled bracket((⟪⟫)) for books in Asian languages, and in italics for books in Western languages.
Books in Asian languages:『韓國佛敎槪論』 or <<韓國佛敎槪論>>
Books in Western languages: Philosophy and Psychology in the Abhidharma
(3) Emphasis should be indicated by single quotation marks (‘ ’).
(4) Tables and figures should be assigned serial numbers (e.g., <Table 1>, <Figure 1>) and indicated at the top of each table and figure. Their source should be written at the bottom of each table and figure as “Source: …”
(5) Quotations in the text
A. Direct quotations of less than 3 lines should be written within the sentence with double quotation marks (“ ”). When a direct quotation is 3 or more lines, a line break is made without using double quotation marks and the quote is written in a separate paragraph with indentation on the left and right. If there is a quotation within a quotation, it should be indicated with single quotation marks (‘ ’).
B. Follow the same rule when quoting original text. However, it should be translated into the same language as the manuscript, and a footnote should be added with the original text using double quotation marks (“ ”).
C. When quoting a poem or gāthā of 3 or 4 lines, write it within the sentence, and present it as a separate paragraph for quotations of more than 4 lines. When quoting a poem or gāthā in a sentence, lines and stanzas should be distinguished with slashes (/) and double slashes (//), respectively.
D. When shortening or omitting the first or last part of a quotation, write a 3-dot ellipsis (…), and use ‘… omission …’ when shortening or omitting text in the middle of a quotation.
E. If there are typos or errors in the original text, correct them and add a footnote presenting the original text with typos or errors.
4) Footnotes
(1) Footnotes are labeled in Arabic numerical order, e.g., 1), 2).
(2) Bibliographic data in footnotes are simplified as ‘author‸year‸page number’ and full bibliographic data are listed in the reference list. (“‸” indicates spacing.)
Example: Robertson‸2020,‸25-28.
(3) When citing multiple books or manuscripts together, do not divide paragraphs. Separate the bibliographic data with a semi-colon that is not preceded by a period.
(4) The Tripitaka translated into Korean (漢譯大藏經) and Complete Works of Korean Buddhism
The Tripitaka translated into Korean: 『佛説海八徳經』or <<佛説海八徳經>> T35,‸1:819a17- 19),‸“quotation.”(Taisho Tripitaka No. 35, Sutra vol. 1, p.819, from top line 17 to line 19.)
Complete Works of Korean Buddhism:『誡初心學人文』or <<誡初心學人文>> (H72,‸4:738c1-5),‸“quotation.”(Complete Works of Korean Buddhism No. 72, vol. 4, p.738, from bottom line 1 to line 5.)
(5) The Tibetan Buddhist Canon (P: Peking edition, D: Derge edition, N: Narthang edition, C: Cone edition) and the Pali Canon
Tibetan Buddhist Canon: P103,‸15a2-3 (referring to the Peking edition, Buddhist texts No. 103, top of page 15, from line 2 to line 3.)
Pali Canon: DN.‸II,‸135.2-3 (referring to the Dīgha Nikāya Vol.2, p.135, from line 2 to line 3.)
5) References
(1) Basic rules
A. Literature should be classified into abbreviated codes, primary literature, and secondary literature.
B. The names of authors should be formatted as ‘last name, first name’ regardless of nationality. Write names of authors in Roman characters, and in alphabetical order.
C. Write the last name of the author in capital letters. Write the names of Asian authors in Roman characters, include a space, and write the original in parentheses.
Example: HAM, Hyoung Seok (함형석). 2021. 「바비베까의 반-채식주의와 능가경의 양립불가능성」 [“Bhāviveka’s Anti-vegetarianism and its Contradictionwith the Laṅkāvatāra”], 『불교학연구』 (Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies), vol. 67, 123-144.
D. Basic order of description:
Book: Last name, first name. publication year. title, region: publishing company.
Journal: Last name, first name. publication year. title, journal, volume, page.
(2) Korean literature
[Use McCune-Reischauer romanization]
A. Write the original title first, include a space, and write the official English title in bracket ([]). If there is no official English title, write the author’s own translation and add an asterisk (*).
Example: KIM, Sanghyun (김상현). 2000. 『元曉硏究』 [
B. Write the official English name of a journal alongside the original. If a journal or a publishing institution does not have an official English name, write the name as it is pronounced using the McCune-Reischauer romanization.
Example: KIM, Sun seok (김순석). 2020. 「3·1운동기 한국 불교계의 역동성과 현재적 반성」 [“Dynamics and Current Reflections of Korean Buddhism in the March 1st Movement”], 『불교학연구』 (Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies), vol. 62, 161-184.
(3) Roman characters and foreign literature
A. Follow the rules for item ‘D’ in category ‘5)-(1)’.
Journal articles: FERRARO, Giuseppe. 2020. “Horror Vacui: Metaphysical Yogācāra Reaction to Madhyamaka Antimetaphysical Emptiness,” Journal of Indian Philosophy, vol. 48, 401-426.
Articles in a book: MORIYAMA, Shinya. 2013. “On the Role of Abhyupagama in Dharmakīrti’s Scripturally Based Inference,” in Scriptural Authority, Reason and Action, Vincent Eltschinger and Helmut Krasser eds., Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissens chaften, 183-208.
Books in English: GOLDMAN, Robert P. and GOLDMAN, Sally J. Sutherland. 1999. Devavāṇīpraveśikā: An Introduction to the Sanskrit Language, Berkely: University of California.
(4) Literature in Japanese and Chinese
[Japanese: Use the Hepburn romanization; Chinese: Use the Pinyin romanization]
A. Apply the rules for Korean Literature.
Japanese: KURAMOTO, Shōtoku (倉本 尚徳). 2018. 「霊裕の享年―『続高僧伝』と石刻資料の比較―」 [“Lingyu's Death: A Comparison of the Xu gaoseng zhuan and a Stone Inscription”], 『印度學佛教學研究』 (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies), vol. 66, no. 2, 510-515.
Chinese: FAZUN (法尊). 1987. 『普提道次第廣論』 [The Extensive Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment], Taipei: 文殊出版社 (Wenshu Chubanshe).
3. Dates of Journal Publication
The Korean Association of Buddhist Studies shall publish four issues of the academic journal per year, with the first issue on March 31, the second issue on June 30, the third issue on September 30, and the fourth issue on December 31.
4. Copyright Transfer Agreement
During the submission process, the authors are asked to agree to the terms of the Copyright Transfer Agreement.
(1) We confirm that this manuscript is original and does not violate the copyright of other manuscripts.
(2) All authors contributed to writing the manuscript and take responsibility for this study.
(3) All authors adhered to the principles of research ethics defined by the Korean Journal of Buddhist Studies.
(4) All authors approve the publication, distribution, online open access, and download of the manuscript upon its acceptance for publication, and agree to transfer all rights related to the copyright of this manuscript to the Korean Association of Buddhist Studies.