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With regard to discussion on modernism in the academic world, Buddhism has been neglected or has not even been a subject of discussion. Buddhistic study world also cannot suggest the meaning of Buddhism in the modern world by approaching with a simple viewpoint of modern Buddhism. At the end of Joseon(朝鮮) Dynasty, among the Buddhistic world during colonial period, pre-modern Buddhism, transition from tradition to modern Buddhism, and search for modern Buddhism coexisted. Beomeosa Temple searched these three trends by stage after the end of Joseon Dynasty. First of all, regarding pre-modern Buddhism, tradition of Zen Buddhism was established through Gyeongheo(鏡虛) and Suseongyeolsa(修禪結社) by monks of Beomeosa Temple. Secondly, reform of Buddhism and translation of Buddhist sutra Baek Yong-seong(白龍城) executed functioned as a bridge from traditional Buddhism to modern Buddhism. Thirdly, a new movement to break away from traditional Buddhism and aspire toward modern Buddhism was being developed around monks who studied abroad. Their aspiration toward modern Buddhism are clearly presented in several points; for example, they received modern ideology widely; formed Buddhistic study reorganized into one of modern studies ; created a new discourse focusing on identity of individuals ; and they established their new viewpoint, direction and practice in terms of relationship with the real society. It is remarkable that these points accorded with the general image of modern history seen in the Joseon under Japanese ruling. Although these three streams are main elements consisting modern Buddhism, particularly, the third stream aspired toward modern Buddhism. But modern Buddhism declined because they became sympathizers for Japan after 1930s and these streams were not succeeded appropriately.
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- Publisher :Korean Association of Buddhist Studies
- Publisher(Ko) :불교학연구회
- Journal Title :Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies
- Journal Title(Ko) :불교학연구
- Volume : 13
- No :0
- Pages :35~67