30 June 2003. pp. 129~156
A standpoint of the Silent-Penetration Zen(黙照禪) is BonjeungJagak(本證自覺), which means the Self Awakening of the Original-Enlightenment. Enlightenment of the Silent - Penetrative Zen comes when each principles faces the sameposition. In that manner, the The training structure of the Silent-Penetration Zen tells us the Self-consciousness of From realization and, the priority is directly focused on the world of being spiritually awakened, namely, the world of Buddha. Because it is the Self - consciousness of From realization, there are no distinction between the ways to lead for realization and self-discipline. The methods are Sitting-poster, the Self Awakening of Original Enlightenment and the Un-Thought(非思量). Sitting-poster is sitting with crossed leg, but it means not only body but also mind poster. So we call it the Solely for Sitting-pos ter(只管打坐). That it to say, a supreme of sitting-meditation. the Self Awakening of the Original Enlightenment is self-awareness that From not a new thing with One`s mind, but From get all enlighten -ments are ready. So all enlightenments are actualization and opera -tion at outset.. The Un-Thought is not thoughtless. It exactly the Un-Thought on sitting in a Buddhist meditation. The highlight of sitting in a Buddhist meditation is devoting to the Un-Thought throughly. Thus the Un-Thought has a characteristic on the assumption of sitting in a Buddhist meditation. The Un-Thought in a Buddhist meditationdoesn't mean that it has no Thought. On the contrary, it has a meaning as Thought of Un(非), Thought of Elimination, and Thought of BulYumo(it means Non-Contamination(不染汚). That's exactly Thought ofSilence-Penetration. The Free itself of Body and Mind(身心脫落) give a concrete form to the Original Enlightenment and the Un-Thought. To put it another way, the Free itself of Body and Mind is embodiment of inward training our body and our mind in daily life, through the Sitting-Samadhi(坐禪三昧). Generally, because of Daily life is consi- der for training and act of enlightenment in Silent-Penetration Zen. It may be given as a conclusion that the training system of Silent-Penetration Zen are the Self Awakening of Original Enlighten -ment, the Un-Thought and the Solely for Sitting-poster(只管打坐).
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  • Publisher :Korean Association of Buddhist Studies
  • Publisher(Ko) :불교학연구회
  • Journal Title :Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies
  • Journal Title(Ko) :불교학연구
  • Volume : 6
  • No :0
  • Pages :129~156