31 August 2005. pp. 113~139
"Shi er yin yuan guan "十二因緣觀 has been known as a text of Cheng‐guan’s 澄觀(738‐839), the 4th patriarch of Chinese Hua‐yen school. However, there is possibility that the text was written in Silla. There are certain grounds to support the idea that from Silla Hua yen Buddhism had produced the text. The first argument to support this hypothesis is that the text itself neither appease in any literature connected with Cheng guan’s biography nor in his writings. The important point worthy of attention in that no Chinese Buddhist scholars refered the text ever. The first appearance of connection between Cheng guan and "Shi er yin yuan guan " is found in Uichon’s 義天 (1055‐1101) table of Buddhist scriptures, a work accomplished during the Koryo dynasty in the 11th century.The text contains three parts in which first part explanation of twelve parts pratityasamtpada using metaphor of a big tree and river. The second part deals with how to extinguish the cause of twelve parts pratityasamtpada. The final part is explanation of three views, yin yuan guan因緣觀, yuan gi guan緣起觀, hsing gi guan性起觀. The last part has been considered significant theory in the text. This does not, however, exist in Cheng guan’s other writings. It should be noted that in exists only in Silla Hua‐yen writings.On the basis of aforementioned arguments, it is most likely that "Shi er yin yuan guan" was produced by a Silla Hua‐yen scholar. In this situation, there still remains a pertinent question ‐ why did Uichon consider this text Cheng‐guan as the author of "Shi er yin yuan guan"?It is still a very controversial question in korean Buddhist historiography. There is another historical assumption that Uichon could have considered ‘guan‐si’觀師as ‘Cheng‐guan’ 澄觀 who appears in “Popkyedoki‐chonsurok”法界図記叢髓錄, a text produced in Korea.
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  • Publisher :Korean Association of Buddhist Studies
  • Publisher(Ko) :불교학연구회
  • Journal Title :Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies
  • Journal Title(Ko) :불교학연구
  • Volume : 11
  • No :0
  • Pages :113~139