All Issue

2021 Vol.66

제1회 무진학술상 수상작

31 March 2021. pp. 1-49
Within the Abhidharma literature, the doctrinal discussions on momentariness composed by the fifth-century C.E. Indic theorist, Saṅghabhadra, and rendered into Chinese by the pilgrim and scholar-monk, Xuanzang (602?–667 C.E.), stand as rigorous and detailed defenses of the Buddhist tenet of momentariness. This paper examines several passages on the doctrine of momentariness that are extant only within Xuanzang’s Chinese translations of two treatises by Saṅghabhadra, the Treatise Conforming to the Correct Logic of Abhidharma (Sanskrit, hereafter Skt. *Abhidharmanyāyānusāraśāstra; Chinese, hereafter Chi. Apidamo shun zhengli lun 阿毘達磨順正理論) and the Treatise Clarifying the Treasury of Abhidharma Tenets (Skt. *Abhidharmasamayapradīpikāśāstra; Chi. Apidamo zang xianzong lun 阿毘達磨顯宗論). In these masterworks, Saṅghabhadra uses the Abhidharma theory of the “conditioned factor” (Skt. saṃskṛta-dharma; Chi. youwei fa 有爲法)—the discrete entity that comes into being as the result of the myriad of “causes and conditions” (Skt. hetu-pratyaya; Chi. yin-yuan 因緣) that precede it—to construct a philosophical explanation for change as a pervasive and invariable feature of reality. In their meticulous translations and commentaries on these texts, Xuanzang and his Tang Dynasty disciples examine the four “stages” (Skt. avasthā; Chi. fenwei 分位) of a conditioned factor and reconsider the arguments enlisted by Saṅghabhadra to buttress the proposition that a conditioned factor activates another of its own kind in the moment that follows its cessation. This paper uses a source criticism research method to illustrate how several understudied translations of the Abhidharma works of Saṅghabhadra by Xuanzang—and the commentaries on these texts by his Tang disciples—contribute to the theoretical basis of the doctrine of momentariness within Chinese Buddhism.
인도 유학승 현장(玄奘, 602?-667)이 한역한 아비달마 문헌 중, 5세기 인도 논사 중현(衆賢, Skt. Saṅghabhadra)이 지은 찰나멸 논증은 불교 고유의 찰나멸론을 엄밀하고 상세하게 변호하고 있다. 본고는 현장의 한역으로만 전하는 중현의 저작 두 본, 󰡔아비달마순정리론(阿毘達磨順正理論, Skt. *Abhidharmasamayapradīpikāśāstra)󰡕과 󰡔아비달마현종론(阿毘達磨顯宗論, Skt. *Abhidharmasamay-apradīpikāśāstra)󰡕에서 찰나멸을 논의하는 몇몇 구절을 고찰하고자 한다. 여기에서, 중현은 아비달마의 교리인 유위법(有爲法, Skt. saṃskṛta-dharma, 무한한 “원인과 조건(因緣, Skt. hetu-pratyaya)의 결과로 존재하는 개별적 실체) 을 활용하여 현실세계의 보편적이고 불변하는 특징이 바로 변화라는 철학적 해석을 구축하였다. 현장 및 그의 당(唐) 대 제자들은 당 문헌들의 세심한 번역과 주석을 통해 유위법의 네 가지 분위(分位, Skt. avasthā)를 논구하면서 ‘하나의 유위법이 사멸할 때 바로 다음 찰나에 자신과 동류의 또 다른 유위법을 작동시킨다’는 명제를 지지하기 위해 중현의 주장을 재고하였다. 본고는 문헌비평적 방법론을 사용하여, 중현의 저작에 대한 현장의 대역(對譯), 그리고 당(唐) 대 제자들의 주석들이 중국 불교에서 찰나멸론에 대한 이론적 토대를 마련하는 데 어떻게 기여했는지를 추적하였다.



  1. D sde dge Tibetan Tripiṭaka Bstan 'gyur (Derge). Preserved at the Faculty of Letters, University of Tokyo. Edited by Takasaki Jikidō 高崎直道, Yamaguchi Zuihō 山口瑞鳳, and Hakamaya Noriaki 袴谷憲昭. 1980. Tokyo: Sekai Seiten Kankō Kyōkai. Electronic edition from the TBRC and AIBS Citations are indicated by the work number, followed by volume, page, and line number(s).
  2. T Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新修大藏經. Edited by Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎 and Watanabe Kaigyoku 渡邊海旭, et al. 1924-1932. 85 vols. Tōkyō: Taishō issaikyō kankōkai 大正一切經刊刻會 (CBETA version). Citations are indicated by the text number, followed by volume, page, register (a, b, or c), and line number(s).
  3. X Shinsan Dainihon zokuzōkyō 卍新纂大日本續藏經. Edited by Kawamura Kōshō 河村考照. 1975-1989. Printed by Kokusho kangyōkai 國書刊行會. Originally compiled by Nakano Tatsue 中野達慧, 1905-1912. Kyōtō: Zōkyō shoin 藏經書院 (CBETA version). Citations are indicated by the text number, followed by volume, page, register (a, b, or c), and line number(s).
  4. *Abhidharmakośavṛttisūtrānurūpā; Chos mngon pa mdzod kyi bstan bcos kyi tshig le'ur byas pa'i rnam par bshad pa. Attributed to Saṅghabhadra ('Dun bzang) and/or Vinītabhadra ('Dul bzang). D4091, 141.
  5. *Abhidharmasamayapradīpikāśāstra, *Abhidharmakośaśāstrakārikāvibhāṣya, or *Abhidharmapiṭakaprakaraṇaśāsanaśāstra; Apidamo zang xianzong lun 阿毘達摩藏顯宗論. By Saṅghabhadra (Chi. Zhongxian 眾賢). Chinese translation by Xuanzang completed between 651 and 652 C.E. T1563, 29:
  6. Commentary on the Treasury of Abhidharma (Chi. Jushe lun shu 俱舍論疏). By Fabao法寶. T1822, 41.
  7. Commentary on the Treasury of Abhidharma (Chi. Jushe lun shu 俱舍論疏). By Shentai神泰. X836, 53.
  8. Commentary on the Verses of the Treasury of Abhidharma (Chi. Jushe lun song shu lun ben 倶舍論頌疏論本). By Yuanhui圓暉. T1823, 41.
  9. Concise Commentary on the Yogācārabhūmi (Chi. Yuqie shidi lun lüe zuan 瑜伽師地論略纂). By Kuiji. T1829, 43.
  10. Demonstration of Consciousness-Only (Chi. Cheng weishi lun成唯識論). Compiled by Xuanzang in 659. T1585, 31.
  11. Essay on the Mahāyāna Doctrines (Chi. Dasheng yizhang 大乘義章). By Jingying Huiyuan. T1851.44.
  12. Great Abhidharma Commentary (Skt. *Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣāśāstra; Chi. Apidamo Da piposha lun 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論). Translated by Xuanzang between 656-659. T1545, 27.
  13. Jottings on Kuiji's Study Notes on the Cheng weishi lun (Chi. Cheng weishi lun shu chao 成唯識論疏抄). By Lingtai 靈泰. X819, 50.
  14. Lamp of the Full Meaning of the Treatise Demonstrating Consciousness-Only (Chi. Cheng weishi lun liaoyi deng 成唯識論了義燈). By Huizhao. T1832, 43.
  15. The Nexus of the Treatise Demonstrating Consciousness-Only in the Palm of the Hand (Chi. Cheng weishi lun zhangzhong shuyao 成唯識論掌中樞要). By Kuiji. T1831, 43.
  16. Notes on the Doctrines of the Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Chi. Dabo niepanjing yi ji 大般涅槃經義記). By Jingying Huiyuan淨影慧遠. T1764.37.
  17. Notes on the Treasury of Abhidharma (Chi. Jushe lun ji 俱舍論記). By Puguang 普光. T1821, 41.
  18. Notes on Yuanhui's Commentary on the Treasury of Abhidharma (Chi. Jushe lun song shu ji 俱舍頌疏記). By Dunlin遁麟. X841, 53.
  19. Record of Śākyamuniʼs Teachings Compiled During the Kaiyuan Period (Chi. Kaiyuan shijiao lu 開元釋教錄). By Zhisheng 智昇. T2154, 55.
  20. Study Notes on the Treatise Demonstrating Consciousness-Only (Chi. Cheng weishi lun shu ji 成唯識論述記). By Kuiji窺基. T1830.43.
  21. Subcommentary and Explanation of the Meaning of the Buddhāvataṃsakasūtra (Chi. Da fangguang Fo Huayan jing suishu yanyi chao 大方廣佛華嚴經隨疏演義鈔). By Chengguan澄觀. T1736.36.
  22. Tattvasaṅgraha of Ācārya Śāntarakṣita with the pañjikā of Śrī Kamalaśīla. Edited by Swami Dwarikadas Shastri. 1968. Benares, India: Baudda Bhārati.
  23. Treasury of Abhidharma (Skt. Abhidharmakośabhāṣya; Chi. Apidamo jushe lun 阿毘達磨俱舍論; Tib.: Chos mngon pa'i mdzod kyi bshad pa) by Vasubandhu. Sanskrit text edited by Pralhad Pradhan under title Abhidharmakośabhāṣya of Vasubandhu. Patnam: Jayasawal Research Institute, 1967. First Chinese translation completed by Paramārtha 真諦 in 567. T1559, 29: Second Chinese translation completed by Xuanzang 玄奘 between 651-652. T1558, 29: Tibetan translation by Jinamitra, et al. D4090, 140.
  24. Treatise Conforming to the Correct Logic of Abhidharma (Skt. *Abhidharmanyāyānusāra śāstra; Chi. Apidamo shun zhengli lun 阿毘達磨順正理論) by Saṅghabhadra. Chinese translation by Xuanzang completed between 653-654. T1562, 29:
  25. Treatise on Entering Abhidharma (Skt. Abhidharmāvatāraprakaraṇa; Chi. Ru apidamo lun 入阿毘達磨論; Tib.: rab tu byed pa chos mngon pa la 'jug pa zhes bya ba) by Skandhila (Chi. Saijiantuoluo 塞建陀羅). Chinese translation by Xuanzang completed in 658 C.E. T1554, 28; D4098, 147.
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  27. The Yogācārabhūmi of Ācārya Asaṅga: The Sanskrit Text Compared with the Tibetan Version. Edited by Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya. 1957. Calcutta: University of Calcutta.


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  • Publisher :Korean Association of Buddhist Studies
  • Publisher(Ko) :불교학연구회
  • Journal Title :Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies
  • Journal Title(Ko) :불교학연구
  • Volume : 66
  • No :0
  • Pages :1-49